Meditative States 

The Asanas of Consciousness

Meditațion – the Latin word meditor stands for to reflect, to contemplate;  this word has a common root to the Latin verb medeor which means to heal. Therefore, the term meditation is used both for describing modified states of consciousness – others than the usual state of consciousness – and for reference to the qualitative changes that occur in our health condition during the meditation process.

Traditional Eastern approach on consciousness states that this may be underlying in millions of states. For instance, in Tibetan Buddhism all meditative states – including the state of sleep – are defined as Samten Bardo. Bardo stands for the intermediary state while samten stands for meditation.

According to Eastern Spirituality the meditation techniques are the most reliable means of self-awareness. Within the science of meditation self-awareness does not refer to the awareness and understanding of the emotional or mental processes (which are continuously subject to change); but it refers to the fact that through meditation one can become aware of their particular inborn spiritual values which are permanent. These represent the foundation of the human spirit existence.

Therefore, from a traditional perspective, only those states that reveal the fundamental qualities and values of the consciousness are considered true meditative states, as opposed to millions of other states of altered consciousness.

Traditional Buddhist Tibetan Spirituality tells us that the fundamental human qualities are wisdom and compassion. These two primordial qualities are comprised, of course, of many other aspects of the consciousness, such as goodwill, vigilance, enthusiasm, and mental clarity.

Meditative states may be considered the asanas of consciousness which,  when accessed through meditation, one can regain their souls’ health. This is also called The Primordial State. This state is void of the causes of suffering. This analogy is very welcome because just as the postures in Hatha-yoga allow the body to release itself from energetical blockages and realign its bodily energies, such through accessing various meditative states the consciousness releases itself from its karmic conditionings and regains its inborn compassion and wisdom. In actuality, the latter two have never been lost.

Through practice and gradually acquiring various authentic meditative techniques, over time these two noble qualities will grow into our consciousness. As practitioners, our ultimate goal is to achieve a permanent access to the two.

This way, through a step by step use of the meditative techniques we can come to amplify those spiritual energies which in turn can generate quality changes in our own lives and in the lives of others.

In regard to the science of meditation it is paramount to be aware of the fact that in order to achieve good results in our meditative practice we must receive guidance from someone who is in control of their noble states of consciousness and has the ability to introduce us in the meditative state as well. This introduction into the meditative state – in our subsequent practice – will become our point of reference. After the introduction we will receive from our Master the knowledge which accompanies the technical phases and allows us to repeatedly access the performed meditative state. This way, by following the dharma we had received, for instance we can awake in our consciousness the energy of being vigilant, or the power of compassion in our hearts, or regain the piercing light of wisdom. The term “dharma” has more than one meaning; however, for our practice by “dharma” we understand “that which determines things to exist in their own nature”.

Another paramount fact to mention is that the art of meditation is an exact science by its own rights.

If we received our introduction in a certain meditation state and we learnt well all its phases, it means that from then on we will always access the same [benefic] state of  consciousness by following the technical phases of the same method every time.

In order to walk through the necessary phases of Meditation Bardo, but to also be able to gradually develop the potential spiritual depths of our consciousness, we must learn more from other systems as well, such as Mantra -Yana, Yantra-Yana and Darsa-Yana.

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Wood Green N22 8DH


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Mon-Fri: 10 AM - 8 PM
Sat-Sun: 10 AM - 2 PM